Project Hope

Project Hope

What is Project Hope?

  • If you own bulk vending equipment, pay telephones, amusement machines, or even full-size vending equipment, you may be a successful candidate for Project HopeTM Vending Outreach Program.
  • Through Project HopeTM vendors of all faiths form a partnership with Child Search® Ministries—a Christian ministry—to help raise funds while raising public awareness.
  • Many parents still do not know where to turn for help when their child goes missing. The vending label is a Public Service Announcement for these parents.
  • Project HopeTM is a vital source of income for Child Search® Ministries; so we do our best to provide vendors with all they need, in support supplies and vending tips.

A Profitable Partnership for Vendors Supporting Child Search

Project HopeTM is a money-maker for vendors! When you support Child Search® and show that support by displaying our label on your machine, many businesses will give you the opportunity to place your machine in their business. Often, because of the support to Child Search®, some businesses waive the commission that is sometimes negotiated for access to premium locations. It's a WIN/WIN arrangement! You win by saving money while giving money to help children. The business owners win (where you place your machines) because their customers know they care about children. Their customers win because they get information, and Child Search® wins and our kids win because of the increased funding.

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